Grasses & Ferns

Grass Overdam Feather Reed

Calmagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam'

An ideal backdrop for low-growing, flowering perennials, this variegated grass adds graceful ornamentation to your landscape. The upright foliage clump will remain around 2' tall, while strikingly erect, feathery plumes with sand-colored seed heads rise in late spring, reaching up to 5-6' tall. New variegated foliage emerges with bright creamy white margins that will fade to a blushing white.


Botanical: Calmagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam'

Classification: Grass

Bloom Time: Summer through Fall

Fragrant: No

Flower Color: Brown

Foliage Color: Variegated


Average Size at Maturity: 1-2 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide

Growth Habit: Clumping

Growth Rate: Medium

Light Needs: Full Sun

Water Needs: Moderate

USDA Grow Zone

Zone: 4-9
