Hosta Halcyon

Hosta sieboldiana 'Halcyon'

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Hostas are among the most popular of perennials for shady areas. Halcyon is excellent for a small garden with neat, attractive clumps of striking blue-green, flattened, heart-shape foliage. Pair with yellowish green plants and ferns for striking contrast.

Botanical: Hosta sieboldiana 'Halcyon'

Classification: Perennial

Bloom Time: Mid-Summer

Fragrant: No

Flower Color: Blue-Green

Foliage Color: Variegated

Average Size at Maturity18 in. tall, 36-42 in. wide

Growth Habit: Spreading

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light Needs: Filtered Sun, Full Shade, Partial Shade

Water Needs: Moderate

Zone: 3-8
